The following guidelines have been set forth:
• Modularity based on shipping container dimensions.
• Adapted to harsh weather conditions.
• Durability of materials.
• Reduction of assembly.
• Designing with a concept respecting and integrating the local Inuit culture.
• Appealing cozy interiors (“ Hygge” ).
• Carbon neutral.

In the first phase we are presenting the core of the project, the prefabricated Lodges. The concept is established with the minimum program of 52 lodges as well as reception, restaurant, bar & lounge and a Spa facility. The further analysis of the Lodge concept and prototype program will be fine-tuned as the development proceeds.
Common areas can be organized in a similar way to the Ilimanaq project, for example hosted in a refurbished, heritage building or custom designed structure.

Our aim is to refrain from installing solar panels on the roof spaces, but instead considered a smaller, adjacent solar farm that would supply the needs of the development, preserving the esthetics.

Sewage and grey water treatment would equally be centralized. All lodges are connected by wood passages under which media services could be hidden. These circulations should be dimensioned so as to allow electrical carts or snowmobile.

The entrance elevation is kept opaque to guarantee the maximum privacy. We would however use this surface to incorporate Inuit cultural elements: a 3D artwork of a symbolized snow owl or based on INUIT culture & tradition Tupilaq.